Team Salty

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The History of Legal Pad.....and PowerPoints

I thought all the presentations were really good. I think I enjoyed Marc’s the most, even though he probably went longer then he originally planed. I really enjoyed how was breaking down the swings and how and why spin was applied. Also I think I am now equipped with some more ammo to help me finally defeat my friend at tennis. Peter might actually have the upper hand in our next epic tennis match for the ages HAHAHAHHA!!!!!

Maybe I’m a freak, but when I am following a PowerPoint presentation I need some wordage on the slides so I can follow them. I think Maya and Justin’s presentations were both really awesome to watch, but I had a hard time staying with it because they were mostly all pictures and verbally talking about what the pictures where about. I loved the pictures and they were all awesome, but if I could had have one or two bullet points with each slide that would have rocked my socks off even harder.

I actually think my presentation rocked, so I wouldn’t change a single thing about it! But then again it totally needed some work, and I think after have the chance to see everyone else presentation I think I would add in some slides that are just pictures without much or any text. In my own presentation I think that might work perfectly in show some different types of stretches that I could actually teach to the class. And it could also be a pretty good opportunity to show how some of the differently rehab methods looked like and how they worked.

I really like the idea of using PowerPoint presentation in the classroom. Although it may be difficult to put it into a PE class I definitely would use it in a Health class. The pros of using PowerPoint are you can structure your lesson around it and that would help you stay in the flow of your lesson. It also helps students take notes on what you specifically want them to remember. All you have to do is bullet point the most important info and then they will know what they will need to know or be tested on. One con of using PowerPoint is as easily as it can help the flow of a lesson it can get off topic with a slide that provides no necessary info. You can have a great presentation until you get to a part where you have to much wording or something that doesn’t really belong and you whole presentation can get off track. I think its also important to balance a PowerPoint presentation with actual verbal or classroom discussion. If all you use is PowerPoint you will miss important discovery and understanding moments that are usually reserved in verbal discussion or something akin to that.


  1. I agree that PowerPoint should not be the only part of a lesson. It needs to be coupled with either a group activity or a project within the classroom. It is hard for students to fully retain information if they do not apply it to their own lives or have to work with the subject matter in some way. This is why I believe it is important for PowerPoint to be just a supplementary part of a lesson; the lesson must continue beyond the presentation to be the most beneficial though.

  2. I too enjoyed Marc's, I learned things I didn't know before! Yours was a great one, perfect use of a PPT.

  3. I like your idea of supplementing your lessons with powerpoint. Your presentation was well structured, informative, and brought the information to the would be a great way to bring PE to visual learners/non-kinesthetic learners (picture me as a 14-year-old, the definition of non-kinesthetic learner). I think your intuition about including a little bit of text on pictures will work best for you, because you will be utilizing powerpoint as an organizational tool, and I think your students will immensely appreciate it.
